Monday, February 27, 2012

The Glass Menagerie - 3

"I didn't go to the moon, I went much further - for time is the longest distance between two places."

First of all, I want to elaborate on this quote because I like the wording.  This quote had me think about how quickly time passes us by without us even realizing it.  It also made me realize that as time goes on, people and things change, and there is nothing we can do about it.

I thought this play was interesting in that Tennessee Williams put so much stage direction in it.  Shakespeare had very little stage direction and allowed the play director to have a little freedom.  In this play, hardly ever is there a place where a little creativity can be shown.  The lighting, music, characterization, and setting are all pretty descriptive.  I also read somewhere that Williams put a glimpse of himself in the play in the character of Tom.  They both have similar backgrounds, and Williams wanted to include a character like himself.  I thought this was really cool and creative for him to do this.

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