Friday, July 1, 2011

Chapter 13 - True Love? Maybe Not...

"There was a moment's silence; then, in a very low voice, 'I love you more than anything in the world,' he said."  (pg. 192)

I was somewhat confused when I read this chapter.  It started with John and Lenina each having an internal conflict whether or not to tell the other that they really like them.  Lenina finally gets the courage to do it, and after she tells him, he tells her that he likes her.  Lenina then goes into a crazed state to try to have relations with John, I think?  John freaks out, calls her a whore, and slaps her.  Lenina, fearful of her life, locks herself in the bathroom.  I think both of these people are messed up in the head and need some help.  Why did John freak out?  Did he want to get married first like they did at his old place, or did Lenina scare him?  I don't know what really happened...


  1. This ranks as one of the most awkward scenes in the book. To answer your question, though, I think John was expecting a slow-moving relationship with passion and chastity, whereas Lenina was expecting a relationship based on physical intimacy.

    It's not really their faults that this clash happened, though. It's just the way that each of them was conditioned.

  2. true statement... I must have been really tired =)
