Friday, July 1, 2011

Chapter 15 - Disorderly Conduct

"'But do you like being slaves?' the Savage was saying as they entered the Hospital....'Don't you want to be free and men?  Don't you even understand what manhood and freedom are... I'll teach you; I'll make you be free whether you want to or not.'  And pushing open a window that looked on to the inner court of the Hospital, he began to throw the little pill-boxes of soma tablets in handfuls out into the area."  (pg. 212-213)

I think John had finally had enough of everyone being drugged up.  He wanted to end this cycle of working then taking drugs to make you feel better.  He has been one of the only people who have seen the consequences of this harmful soma, and he doesn't want the others to end up the same way.  I feel that this was very gutsy of him to do, especially since he's never spoken in front of a crowd before.  Because John was throwing the soma out of the window, a riot started, and the police had to come to stop it.  Everyone ended up getting their soma anyway, so I kind of feel that John's outbreak was unnecessary.  Instead, John could have talked directly to the person distributing them or some person of power.  Now, John is a prisoner and dragging Bernard and Helmholtz with him.

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