Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Once Upon A Time

"I couldn't find a position in which my mind would let go of my body - release me to sleep again.  So I began to tell myself a story; a bedtime story."

First of all, why would someone tell this story to themselves when trying to go to bed?  It is kind of depressing, or at least I think it was.  Did the child end up dying or just severely hurt?  Moving on to the questions, I think the child really has no blame in this because it was never mentioned that the parents told the kid not to go near the wire.  I think there is a little bit of irony in the sign that says, "YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED."  The people on the outside have been warned, but not the people on the inside.  The sounds at the beginning are the creaking which she thinks is a burglar in her house and a voice.  The most significant cause for fear out of these two would definitely be the burglar in her house because recently she had someone in her neighborhood killed in broad daylight.  Another thing I noticed was all the security that the family put up around their house.  They had bars on their windows and doors and a huge wall with coiled wire on the top.  This reminds me of a jail, and how ironic it is that they are the ones inside the jail-like house when the people on the outside should really be the ones in jail.

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