Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chapter 1... again

"Whizz and then, click!" (pg. 9)

This onomatopoeia is used to explain the sound that was made when the lift-hatches were opened in the Bottling Room.  An onomatopoeia is effectively used in writing to express sound just by reading the word.  While I was reading, I could hear the sound of the hatches being opened and felt as if I was walking into the room myself.  The Director and this lab are still very confusing to me.  I don't know what is really going on still.  This group of students seem to be considerably smart to me as they hardly ask any questions where I would be the one asking a million questions.  Mr. Foster seems to have some knowledge about the lab too, but the novel did not explain his connection to the group.  I feel like the Director and Mr. Foster sometimes try to outdo each other and try to show the kids that one is better than the other, but I could be wrong on that one.

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