Thursday, June 30, 2011

Chapter 9 again - Another Allusion to Shakespeare

"On the white wonder of dear Juliet's hand, may seize
And steal immortal blessing from her lips,
Who, even in pure and vestal modesty,
Still blush, as thinking their own kisses sin."  (pg. 144)

Surprise, surprise... There's another allusion to Shakespeare!  This time John quotes Romeo in "Romeo and Juliet" while talking to Lenina, who's asleep from taking so much soma.  He professed how beautiful he thought Lenina was and how he wanted to touch her hand but couldn't.  I think the references to Shakespeare show that John didn't have much to read as a kid and just reread the same Shakespeare book over and over again until it was memorized.  Shakespeare puts so much beauty in his work that just saying what he wrote makes one sound special.  John sounds so intelligent and passionate by quoting the fantastic work of Shakespeare.  Sometime later in the book, I think that John might start to show his affection toward Lenina when she's awake.  I don't know how she will take it, but I'm sure it will be interesting.


  1. Hey Jacob,

    You're doing exactly what you need to do with the blog entries. Good work so far!
