Monday, August 1, 2011

Chapter 8 - Sex

"Then I realised, in the same instant, that this was the source of the odd noise, and that what I'd taken for dark shiny paper on the table had also, not long before, been pages of neat handwriting."  (pg. 91)

This excerpt is an example of vernacular.  At first, I thought that it was weird that Ishiguro was spelling many words wrong, but then it was pointed out to me that this was written in England.  I guess some of their English can be a little different than ours, and they spell some words differently.

Chapter Eight was an interesting chapter to say the least.  It explained how the students knew that sex was wrong, but they wanted to do it anyway.  There was one example of a couple students who got caught in the act by a guardian, and he said that they knew they weren't to do it.  This act of rebellion can relate to our society today.  Some kids nowadays do drugs, drink, and have sex even though they know they're not supposed to.  I believe, since they are told that they can't, they want to do it even more and decide to do it.  The chapter ended with Kathy finally building up herself to have sex with Harry.

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