Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Batter my heart, three-personed God

This poem was very religious, I thought, as it talked about the Trinity.  In the poem, the author used different words as metaphors to stand for each part of the Trinity.  "Knock" and "break" refer to the Son, or Jesus, because those are two physical actions that humans do and Jesus was human.  "Breathe" and "blow" refer to God the Father because he breathed life into each human and makes the wind blow.  "Shine" and "burn" definitely refer to the Holy Spirit because it burns in our hearts and shines through us to other people.  I also thought that the speaker was asking God to guide him or her through life.  In the second quatrain, the speaker compares himself or herself to a soldier as he or she talks about defending and someone being captivated.  I thought the use of first person in this poem was interesting too because the reader can relate to the speaker.

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