Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning

The pattern of this poem really stuck out to me when I was reading it.  In every other stanza, the last words of the first and third line rhymed and the second and fourth lines rhymed a different way.  I liked how this poem was set up because I think the poem flows better when it rhymes.  This poem was also split up into quatrains as each quatrain was a stanza.  I think the poem is talking about a person dying because of the following lines:
"And whisper to their souls to go,
While some of their sad friends do say,
The breath goes now, and some say, no."
I think this definitely points out that the soul wants to leave the body, people did not want the person to die, and the person is breathing their last.  The rest of the poem does not discuss the fact of death though.  It might be discussing the life that the person had.  Then, the poem ends with someone traveling in a circle.  This could mean that their soul started with God, and it came back up to God in heaven.

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