Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Convergence of the Twain

Originally, I read did not read the subtitle, but I still thought that it referenced the Titanic.  I really liked this poem because I could relate it to something that I've heard of before.  The boat was solitary in the sea with constant waves, and a sea-worm was crawling up the boat.  The "sea-worm" symbolizes the water going higher and higher as the boat is sinking.  This poem also points out that the ship was popular in the areas of "stature, grace, and hue."  This means that the ship was seen as a treasure until it sank and now has no value at the bottom of the ocean.

"Alien they seemed to be:
No Mortal Eye could see
The intimate welding of their later history"

I think this part of poem describes how no one could have seen it coming and that it was so unpredictable.  The boat was growing ever so popular until the time grew closer and closer to when it would end.  The tragic end "jars two hemispheres" and changed the world so every boat after would not have the same culmination.

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