Monday, September 5, 2011

Spring by Gerard Manley Hopkins

Although the meaning of this poem is not clear to me, I did manage to find a couple literary techniques being used.

"Through the echoing timber does so rinse and wring
The ear, it strikes like lightnings to hear him sing."

The first technique I saw was the example of the anthropomorphism.  Something (I don't know what) is rinsing and wringing another object.  Then, the next line has an example of a simile.  An ear is "strik[ing] like lightning" just to hear someone sing.  I believe this could possibly be referring to someone waiting, wanting, and listening for a bird to sing since it is Spring.  When I think of Spring, I often think of wildlife like trees and animals coming back to life and making everything pleasant again.  Birds chirping, trees glowing a shade of green, flowers blooming, and wildlife scurrying are some things that come to my mind about Spring.  Towards the end of the poem, Hopkins references Christ, Lord, and the Garden of Eden.  It makes me think that the poetic might be religious and trying to add some aspect of it into his poetry.

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