Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sorting Laundry

"Folding clothes, I think of folding you into my life."

This is a metaphor representing how when the speaker folds clothes, the different clothes remind her of the person she is talking to in different ways.  For example, the patterned towels reminded her of them buying the towels on sale and saving them for the beach.  Another example is the bed sheets and pillowcases holding all of their dreams.  I think that while the poem is taking place, the girl is folding laundry and her husband is at work.  In line 43, the poem brings up the idea of someone leaving her when it says "if you were to leave me."  It also continues by saying "a mountain of unsorted wash could not fill the empty side of the bed."  She expresses how important he is in her life, and how she does not know what she would do if she lost him.  Overall, I liked this poem because I could follow most of it.

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