Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Dream Deferred

This poem was my favorite of this unit because it was short, simple, and to the point.  Hughes demonstrates the use of five similes and one metaphor in "Dream Deferred."  The first simile is "dry up like a raisin in the sun."  I personally liked this image because I know what a raisin looks like and can imagine it being dried up.  The poem also mentions that the dream could "fester like a sore," "stink like rotten meat," be like a "syrupy sweet," or "sag like a heavy load."  These images are all easy to comprehend, and he uses examples that almost everyone could relate to.  The diction exerted also makes the images more realistic.  Fester and sag are two words that stuck out in my mind when I read the poem.  I believe the main purpose of the poem was to make the reader think about what really happens to those dreams that are not achieved and tell the reader some possibilities.

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