Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Frankenstein - Blame

"The task of destruction was mine, but I have failed."  (pg. 162)

Who deserves the blame for all that has happened?  The answer to whether Victor blames himself is complicated.  He knows he's responsible for the creation, which leads him to chasing it.  Frankenstein knew that he failed the creature in many ways but especially when he was first created.  He left the creature to care for himself and teach himself how to do everything.  In some aspect, he blames himself right then.  Then, he says that he knew he was right in not creating a second creature for the monster to be mates with.  In this regard, he somewhat shifts the blame and guilt to others because he did the right thing.  He could blame the monster for all the chaos he has caused, but by creating the monster, he is at fault again.

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