Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Frankenstein - Frame Story

"It was dark when I awoke; I felt cold also, and half frightened, as it were, instinctively, finding myself so desolate."  (pg. 71)

This novel, I think, is a retelling of something that has happened to another individual.  In some parts of the book, there are stories within the main story.  One specific point in the novel where this happens is when the monster is telling his story to Victor.  Victor is actually the narrator, but the monster takes over a couple chapters by telling Victor, as well as the audience, what he has been up to.  Although I can see why others may not like them, I, personally, enjoy frame stories.  They give the reader a break from the main topic to point your attention to something less important.  Frame stories are like the dreaming in Inception, but this time it is in a book.  Stories within stories may create some confusion at first but can add immensely to the work as a whole.

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